Gemma had recommended the Full Moon cafe/bar on Kuta beach where you could have
beach loungers and enjoy some shade, so we decided to go and spend the
day there. I was looking forward to reading my book and cooling off
in the sea. I would recommend this cafe, because it is so laid back,
you don't get hassled to buy drinks, in fact you have to seek them
out if you want to order anything! So we had a few soft drinks throughout
the day and some lunch. The only thing you have to be a little tolerant
of are the many children selling bracelets and sarongs. But they seem
to have a good sense for those who don't really mean 'No' and otherwise
once they have asked you once they will generally leave you alone!
Although there are some excpetions!....
Mid-afternoon we decided to go for a walk along the beach, to the left.
The sand is suprisingly difficuly to walk on because it is so deep.
Kuta beach is large crescent bay, with only the odd tourist on it and
a few fisherman. We watched as local Sasak people began wading out in to the sea
carrying large buckets to collect the seaweed. The bay is very shallow
and the waves break about 500m off shore. When we walked to the end
of the bay there was a group of trees in the shallow water, the tide was
out. Under the trees was a bed of strange spiky organisms growing out
of the sea bed (I'd seen them before in Palolem). They look like someone's
inserted nails in to the sand and left them to rust. The water had receeded,
leaving glimmering ripples of sand and the sun was low.
Then it happened...we were accosted by the terrible two, our nemisis(es).
These two were a force to be reckoned with! It started with a simple,
cute, "Hello! Where are you from?" Then they began counting Martin's
steps and following behind him, chorusing in different languages. The
eldest whispering the correct numbers to the littlest. They trailed
all the way up the beach behind Martin, waving their card of colourful
bracelets. We stumbled back to cafe, still being pursued, hoping to
seek refuge, but no one would protect us. So continued the relentless
sell and questioning, "Why do you speak English?"
"Because I come from England."
"You should buy for your girlfriend, or your girlfriend cry and leave you"
"She doesn't want one"
"You can buy one for your mother"
And so on. Then came the repeating everything we said! Oh what fun! It was
tempting to buy one but we had seen what happened earlier when someone
bought from one child and not the others; the tantrums (purely for show!),
along with the sob story (It's not fair, why can he buy books for school and
not me!). We also did not want to risk getting mobbed by every child selling!
Anyway eventually she left us alone! And we walked back to Mimpi Manis.
This was slightly more eventful than we'd hoped aswell! As we came to the
end of Kuta beach we came across a friendly looking brown dog, who seemed
to be wandering in the same direction as we were. He crossed the path
of several other dogs and got in to a few scuffles and they began to follow
him. We came to the junction with the right-turn that leads to
Mimpi Manis and still our mate was with us, along with 2 other dogs that seemed
to be chasing him. We crossed the road, he crossed the road with us! I was
a bit nervous, I don't mind dogs at home, but they are usually pets and a
bit more predictable. We eventually lost our original 'friend' after about 15
minutes of walking but all the way to Mimpi Manis we had a crew of 3 dogs
following us! One of the dogs was white and across both sides had Eva written
in large black writing. She followed us all the way in and had to be shooed
away by Ilu. Eva was sat outside for quite a while. Very strange! Martin
thinks it's a sign, because Eva is the name I would like to call my daughter
when I have one, after my granddad. So maybe it was my Bupu saying hello!
I'd like to think so.
Today is our 5 year anniversary so we went out for a 'posh' dinner! Gemma dropped
us at the restaurant,Bule, again highly recommended. The chef is Novetel trained.
We ordered duck and beef and both dishes were really good,the meat was tender, presented
beautifully and the service was excellent. It was worth the extra money and the beer was
cheaper than some of the other cheaper cafes. For desert we had fried banana with ice
cream and chocolate sauce. It was a huge portion and delicious.
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